Running a startup company requires having outstanding marketing strategies so that you can increase your customer base. However, to deliver these effectively, you must have enough budget, to begin with. As you test your strengths in your niche markets, it’s best to use promotional products. Other than being effective in delivering your message across to your target audience and clients, these products involve only a small budget.


If you are interested in investing in promotional merchandise for your business, then this guide is for you! Below, we have rounded up eight promotional items that can help you boost business growth:


  1. Pens


Make a positive impression on your customers and potential clients by handing them quality pens. Give out pens that have an easy ink flow for a smooth writing experience. Make sure to get your logo printed on it so that your business name will be recognized among your target market without you having to shell out too much from your advertising budget.


  1. Grocery tote bags


Grocery tote bags make great promotional products because your customers will be carrying your logo everywhere they go shopping. Whether they are running errands or getting groceries, carrying your tote bag will make your clients become a “walking advertising board” for your brand, helping you promote your business without any hassle.


  1. Stress balls


Stress balls are perfect for diverting the attention of your customers from the hustle and bustle of their busy lives. These can help them relieve their stress, improve their mood, and stimulate their blood circulation. Adding your logo on these playful toys will surely aid in retaining brand loyalty.


  1. USB on-the-go chargers


If your business is in the gadget and technology industry, a USB on-the-go charger is a great option as your promotional merchandise. These are perfect as giveaways to your potential customers for their daily use. Make sure to customize the charger with your logo to boost brand visibility.


  1. Cell phone sleeves


Aside from being affordable, silicon cell phone sleeves are highly useful as promotional products. They are convenient and perfect for daily use, storing their credit cards, ID cards, key cards, and phone. Seeing your logo almost every day will help them remember you.


  1. Bike bottles


Businesses of food and beverages can use easy-to-open bike bottles as promotional merchandise. They are perfect for bikers who need water or an energy drink to replenish their energy after an exhausting bike ride.


  1. Hand sanitizers


Help your customers stay healthy by gifting them with antibacterial hand sanitizers that are essential for keeping harmful germs and bacteria away. By handing these out, you send a message that you are concerned about your customers’ well-being, and you want to keep them safe and protected.


  1. Computer mouse pads


Almost every household and office has computers, which is why using mouse pads as your promotional products is an excellent idea. A mouse pad that has your printed logo on it will undoubtedly help deliver your brand message.




Promotional products are the perfect way to reach your target market, attract potential customers, generate leads, and garner more sales. By using this approach as your marketing strategy for your startup business, you can receive prompt (and usually positive) responses from your customers.


If you need help in promoting your business, then make us your one-stop source for promotional merchandise. Reach out to us today to learn more about our customized promotional products or to place your order. We look forward to serving you!